Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Need of Vitamin C


The Need of Vitamin C
          Vitamin C has many important effects for the health. First of all, it helps resist cell and tissue harm. In addition, in case of illness, it protects the body from another infection.   Moreover, it helps both of the pregnant mother and baby stay healthy for nine months. Besides, it treats tissue, wound and bone, and makes a better skin. The final effect, it is important in producing collagen for the body (Hareyan, 2005:1).

Hareyan, A. (2005). Why do we need vitamin C? [Online].Available:
 [15 January, 2012].

Monday, February 24, 2014

Climate Change

Climate Change

           There are many effects of climatic change on people that is important to know. Firstly, The higher temperatures cause differences of weather. Secondly, the sea levels all around the world moves upward because ice and glaciers were melted. Lastly, climate  fluctuation also influences the health and living of human (Congondis, 2011: 1-5).

Congondis, D. (2011). Fact about Climate change. [Online]. Available:                
         [2011, August 28].

Monday, December 23, 2013

Computers under Attack


Computers under Attack

           Something that conceals itself in a computer program and causes the data to be destroyed is called a virus. The computer virus can be classified into three types. The first virus type that was created in order to extract information about the account or a credit card is a Trojan horse. The second type that keeps data of the owner of the computer is a Spyware. The final virus type is appeared through advertisements, and make a trouble is a Spam (Philpot, 2011: 47).

References: Philpot, S. (2011). “Computers under Attack.” Academic Skills.          
                    Oxford: Spain